Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Now

One of my favorite New Year's resolutions has always been to live more in the moment, the now, if you will. Admittedly one of the hardest things for me to do is to be wholly in the moment. There's always something for me to dwell on that either just happened or might happen any minute now that takes me out of the moment. I just read an article in the Huffington Post by Stacy Lawson entitled "Live In the Now" in it she has a quote that I love, by Montaigne translated from french "There were many terrible things in my life and most of them never happened." This about sums it up for me.
She goes on to write;
"Ultimately, this mischief of the mind limits your creative power - you cannot create from the past, nor can you create in the future. You can only create in present moment...in the Now.

The Now is eternal and unbounded. It is without content. It is free from any orientation or attachment. Some traditions describe the Now as the gap between two thoughts. By slipping into the gap of the Now you can structure an entirely new experience. When you are fully attentive to the moment, you can access the field of infinite potential...where past, present and future do not dictate your reality.

Every moment is truly new. Every moment is pregnant with possibility and imbued with vast creative intelligence. Your job is to constantly empty the mind, giving up old moments in favor of unlimited possibility. No matter what has come before, a new reality is possible this moment. No matter how "bad" your day has been, you have the power to create the best day of your life."

I know that these words are true, I know that when I have, on occasion, truly lived in the moment, they are the most gratifying moments of my life. One moment at a time.



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