Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Primary Fear Factor

I suppose if I were just getting involved in this presidential race, just starting to listen to the political debates, hearing the speeches and information from the media for the first time, I might have a different view.
It's too late for that; I have been a groupie since "day one", not the one Hillary so often speaks of, but the one back in early 2007 when we started to hear the nascent rumblings of Hillary Clinton intentions to run for President.
Since then I have watched, read and listened, to practically every word uttered regarding this race for presidency.
Although I have respect and admiration for Hillary, with the added pride of possibly having our first women president, I eventually chose to support Barack Obama. This choice was based on what I saw as his "holistic" approach to politics, his ability to inspire, and the fact that he brings more of a change to politics and has fewer entanglements with "special interests".
I happen to believe these special interests are the biggest culprits of all and the reason this country is where it is today. President Bush's et al involvement with special interest groups is the largest barrier to any real change. A real change can only come about if we are not wedded to big business, special interests and cronyism.

Which brings me to this moment and how I see the current state of the democratic race unraveling.

Tonight Barack still leads in delegates and the popular vote overall although his momentum has slowed with Hillary winning Ohio and Texas. I believe the main reason Barack Obama's momentum has been stunted at all is because of the negative ads and campaigning by Hillary Clinton, in short: her manipulation of our emotions. Most of the attacks (if not all) made were unfounded yet hurt Obama, these ads were based on fear and a way of denigrating him, it's said that she has "thrown all but the kitchen sink" at her opponent.
What’s interesting is: that at the same time Barack is just now starting to position himself as the anti John McCain candidate, Hillary is running as the anti Barack Obama candidate even aligning herself with John McCain against Barack. I believe this will weaken the democrat’s chance of winning the presidency.

It looks as if Hillary Clinton has no interest in turning away from the attack she has waged against her democratic opponent. In our society if you are on the attack you look like the fighter, a large number of voters who made up their minds in the last week were influenced by these ads, not for their truths, but for what they invoked: fear.

It’s frustrating to think that we can be so easily manipulated, that fear is such a motivator in this country, even after we’ve all seen what damage can be done, i.e. the Iraq war, when we let it influence our decisions. Sadly, it seems that he or she who stirs up the most doubt and fear seems to gain the most control. I don't believe Obama should need, or even wants, to start upping the attack on Hillary Clinton, that is partly why I am supporting him, but will this hurt him?

Whether or not Obama or Clinton become the nominee, we should never lose sight of the fact that the world is paying attention to what we do and how we conduct ourselves with one another, is this really the message we want to send?
Could we please rise above the name-calling, fear invoking, unfounded attacks and start to focus on the real issues that affect all of us?



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